Written by Valeria Milano and illustrated by Jodi Hull from the Palazzo Ricci team

A Christmas Adventure in Casoli
This Christmas, follow the adventures of Paratina & Gilberto from the lovely village of Casoli, searching for a magic basket to share with their beloved ones on Christmas Eve (La Vigilia di Natale).

Crustoli is the traditional Christmas treat that Donna Aurelia Ricci used to prepare to celebrate with her beloved family.
Where will they find it?

“Hey Gilberto, Signora Anna at the antique olive press always makes delicious things for us. Maybe she has the magic basket!”

“Oh my dear children, I don’t have that basket for you, but I made some delicious pizzelle to keep your strength up during your treasure hunt.”

Gilberto and Paratina continue their Christmas adventure to Via Calvario. They have to climb its famous 100 steps to see if, at the end, the magic basket is there!

“Paratina, are you ready?”
“Yes! With these magical twinkling lights to guide our way, going up 100 steps is easy and fun! Let’s go!”

Gilberto and Paratina decide to see if the magic basket is hidden in the Castello. Oh, their town is so lovely, spread out below them, truly one of the Borghi più belli d’Italia!

“Paratina, the basket may not be here, but don’t you agree that Casoli one of the most beautiful towns in the world?”
“It is. It’s Bella Casoli and many authors and artists have said that in the past!”

After their long treasure hunt around Casoli, Paratina and Gilberto decide to have a look inside Palazzo Ricci.

“Look Gilberto, here it is! I love this place!
This is where magic happens! Now we can go to our family and celebrate Christmas Eve!”

Buon Natale a tutti and Merry Christmas to all!