Geology, biodiversity and culture from a sustainable tourism perspective
ANSA Editorial Staff SULMONA April 21, 202109:14
SULMONA – FROM THURSDAY 22 APRIL 2021 THE TERRITORY OF THE MAIELLA NATIONAL PARK BECOMES A UNESCO WORLD GEOPARK WITH THE NAME OF ‘MAJELLA GEOPARK’. “An important result for our territory and the whole of Abruzzo, which will bring benefits at the level of sustainable development of local communities and will allow the Geopark to collaborate with over 160 recognized territories all over the world” reads a note. The recognition was possible for the high geodiversity of the territory, 95 geosites of which at least 22 of international value.

The path towards recognition began in 2016 together with the Order of Geologists of the Abruzzo Region which with the Park Authority signed a memorandum of understanding for the candidacy project. The geologists of the Order’s Geosites and Geoparks Commission contributed to the positive outcome
under the coordination of the Geopark manager, the geologist of the Ente Elena Liberatoscioli, and the scientific supervision of Professor Etta Patacca Scandone. The welcome ceremony organized by the Unesco Global Geopark Network, on April 22nd from 2 pm, can be followed on com/channel/UCUghhLY2we8YMUHoa6JGBbQ.
“The Park will receive the declaration of the Unesco Geopark as a World Heritage Site for the special characteristics that combine geology, biodiversity, the historical presence of man and the culture developed over time – says the president Lucio Zazzara – We thank all those who have been working for years for this result “.
“The recognition to Unesco Geopark – adds the president of the Abruzzo Geologists Nicola Tullo – is a source of pride for our professional category, an important milestone that highlights the geological heritage of the Maiella and will be strategic for the support of local micro-economies and sustainable development of the territory “. The director of the Park Luciano Di Martino underlines the long path in which the Authority “has started a great process of connection with local actors and which will lead to the discovery of the natural and cultural beauties of the karst systems with a view to sustainable tourism activities in protected area”.