Yesterday evening, April 9, 2023 , from around 21:20, there were many of us watching the broadcast ” Spaciale Borgo dei Borghi 2023 ” broadcast on RAI3. Everyone with bated breath at home, in the Bars, everywhere with the devices, we waited for the result, which, fortunately, was late in arriving, because Casoli, but as the other villages were classified from the twelfth position onwards, continued to rise towards the first places . The first satisfaction came when we were certain we had entered the Top Ten, but we continued to climb and with it also the excitement! Until in 6th place, our village also appeared!
Immediately after the result, there were numerous comments on social networks from satisfied citizens for this beautiful result. There were also many compliments from citizens of neighboring towns and other towns in Abruzzo, because Casoli represented Abruzzo in this challenge!
Obviously , also the mayor Massimo Tiberini was satisfied , who commented yesterday evening as follows: “ A beautiful result, I am very happy . I am sure of an important team effort with the sole objective of promoting Casoli and our Abruzzo. Now more than ever, a shared work is important to offer the maximum hospitality to tourists and to make Casoli and the entire territory more and more beautiful. “
We at casoli.org have so far done our part, because we have been collaborating to promote Casoli for two decades , with dedication, commitment and often hard work . We did the same on this occasion, during the two weeks open to voting, to disseminate all the videos and/or Reels (including ours) that well-known personalities, in the world of entertainment and beyond, have published to invite all Abruzzo residents to vote Casoli! There were also numerous individual citizens who supported Casoli in this difficult competition. Among the institutions , Mayors of other Municipalities and even the President of the Abruzzo Region Marco Marsilio, have pledged to launch the “VOTE CASOLI!” , when the voting on the RAI website ended.
“ Also this year Abruzzo has had a precious village to represent our Region in the tenth edition of the Rai television program, which offers the public an evening to discover numerous realities, which deserve to be visited and appreciated and for Casoli it is was a great opportunity for national visibility , which will strengthen it as a tourist attraction . – said Antonio Di Marco , president of the Association of the most beautiful villages in Italy in Abruzzo and Molise –It is the villages and their communities that allow us to grasp the truest and most genuine essence of our land and offer quality tourism and this is why we are working in a shared and synergistic way together with all 29 mayors from Abruzzo and Molise of the Association, with clear and concrete commitment and planning .”
“ I want to congratulate the Mayor of Casoli, Massimo Tiberini , – continued Antonio Di Marco – his team of administrators and all its citizens who animate this splendid village in the province of Chieti perched on a hill overlooking the Aventine Valley , officially joined the prestigious association of the ” most beautiful villages in Italy ” on 18 August 2020 and already protagonist, among the certified villages, of this beautiful national television broadcast that embellishes the opportunities for tourism promotion of the Casolano area and the entire Abruzzo Region! “
“ After Campli ‘s sixth place in the 2021 edition and Navelli ‘s fourth in 2022, – concluded Di Marco – Casoli and his sixth place continue , the success of Abruzzo also on the national television scene! “
The most beautiful village in Italy was established by the public , who cast their vote from 12 to 26 March by accessing the Rai website, on the page dedicated to “Il Borgo dei Borghi”. But it was not only the public who gave their preference : once again, in fact, a jury of experts was present , each of them casts a vote which corresponds to a bonus equal to 33.3% which is added to the result obtained through the web popular vote.
This year the jury was composed of the starred chef Rosanna Marziale , the geologist and famous science popularizer Mario Tozzi and the art historian of the Sorbonne in Paris Jacopo Veneziani . The third step of the podium was conquered by Salemi , in the heart of Sicily; in second place was the town of Sant’Antioco in Sardinia; while “Il Borgo dei Borghi 2023” is Ronciglione in the province of Viterbo.
The villages that participated in the race are the following:
Casoli (CH) in Abruzzo; Miglionico (MT) in Basilicata; Diamond (CS) in Calabria; Cetar in (SA) in Campania; Bagnara di Romagn a (RA) in Emilia-Romagna; Marano Lagunare (UD) in Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Ronciglione (VT) in Lazio; Campo Ligure (GE) in Liguria; Bellano (LC) in Lombardy; Esanatoglia (MC) in the Marches; Monteroduni (IS) in Molise; Castagnole Delle Lanze (AT) in Piedmont; Castro (LE) in Puglia; Sant’Antioco (CI) in Sardinia; Salemi (TP) in Sicily; Maritime Campiglia(LI) in Tuscany; Bondone (TN) in Trentino-Alto Adige; Citerna (PG) in Umbria; Issogne (AO) in the Aosta Valley; Possagno (TV) in Veneto.
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